I’m trilled to announce the launch of my brand new blog igorfragadev.com where we’ll be talking about Software Development and Architecture, Java, A.I. but mostly important than this, is how you go Global, working for US and EU companies from anywhere in the world and having a Work and Life balance well-being, having time for yourself, your family, your goals and even be recognized at your work and improve your career at all.

It’s all about knowing how to communicate better, build trust in what you do, improve yourself, and we’ll be talking a lot about that here. Let’s evolve together, you are my guest!
This blog is being built for YOU, and WITH YOU. I’ll bring here things from my experience and daily life and please let me know any subjects you wanna hear about. Your question is my next blog post and you are a piece on that together.
Don’t forget to join my newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest blog post updates to not miss anything and receive exclusive content and tutorials. Soon, I’ll be talking through videos as well.
Let’s connect in the Social Media too and stay closer
Welcome and see you in the next post!