This Wednesday, March 26th, I’ll be at “The Developers Conference” mentoring in-person developers that aims to grow and expand their careers internationally, and understand the power of communication to achieve it. Here is the briefing:

Be a Global Developer, conquering the World

If You Want to Expand Your Horizons, knowing how to program well is not enough—it’s just the basics. In this mentorship, I will guide you so you can thrive in your career and expand it internationally. We will cover everything from how to approach technical knowledge to overcoming the challenges of communicating with others—whether it’s your team, leaders, or other community members—in any language.

Those who want to conquer the world do not limit themselves to a single language, just as we do not restrict ourselves to only one programming language or framework. And nothing changes within the comfort zone.

This mentorship is for those who want to go beyond, who aspire to make their mark on the world in a positive and constructive way. This is the mentorship I wish I had received years ago. However, after years of study and real-world application, I am now bringing this knowledge to the public for the first time in person, tailored specifically for technology professionals.

Target Audience
Intermediate to Senior professionals who want to expand their careers internationally and have realized that focusing solely on technical knowledge leads only to stagnation, not growth.

Junior professionals who want to broaden their horizons and gain a perspective that goes beyond the initial technology stack path can also benefit.

What to Expect as a Participant?
After this mentorship, you will be much better prepared for any career challenge—whether in Brazil or abroad. You will be more equipped to apply for global opportunities, handle workplace challenges more effectively, understand the value of communication and how it opens doors for growth and promotion, and realize that none of this happens if you don’t see yourself as deserving of it.

Of course, this journey is always about respect, helping others, and being helped—because no one achieves success alone.

If you didn’t applied to this in-person mentorship yet, here is the link to do it:

See you there!